"A new, national magazine that will surely be at the top of next years hot and heavy reads. A unique blend of entertainment, artist interviews, music and fashion, the magazine combines different genres of futuristic art into a slick and visually stunning format.”
Renee Fajardo, Writer and Journalist
“Is it too sexy to run? That was the question at the Summit Daily News on Friday night as editors looked at the photo of Artist Interviews magazine.”
Kimberly Nicoletti, Summit Daily News
“Shine on!”
Kevin J. Anderson, NY Times best-selling writer
“You are right on the money for a great concept in a magazine."
Yvette Rachelle, Actress and Model
“We loved the article!”
Diane and Elaine (The Coors Twins)
“I find the line up impressive, and I have a gut feeling its better than ForHim and Maxim, and perhaps better than Playboy.”
Orion Karl Daley, Models Unlimited
“Cool cover!”
Tiësto, International DJ and producer
Good Looking Records
“I was impressed by both its scope and the big name interviews you’ve got there.”
Simon Clark, Writer of Darker
“I dig what you’re doing with
the magazine – continued success!”
Roy Shakked, Electronic Music Producer
“Wonderful. I am so happy for you and all your hard work!”
Diana Kauffman, DKNY Model and Actress
“Great publication!”
Natalie Abramov, Actress and Model
"Looks great, amazing!"
Shayna Ryan, Singer, Songwriter and Actress
“Congratulations on your awards!”
Sarah A. Hoyt, Writer of Ill Met by Moonlight
“Extremely well done and a great resource!”
Richard Marchand, Surreal and Fantasy Artist
"Looks great!"
Richard Kirk, Illustrator of Clive Barker's Books
“Just the sort of thing I enjoy the most.”
Pat Cadigan, Writer of Synners
“The interview looked awesome, I’m happy someone asked me some good questions for a change.I really like your mag a lot, in the issue with me you had Tad Williams he happens to be one of my favorite authors."
Michelle Herrmann aka Punisher
"As always, everything looks terrific and once again some very good reading."
Shannon Nowak, Actress and Model
“I read the interview that you did on Sanjay Burman and it was great!”
Brigitte Kingsley, Actress, Television Host and Model
Alexander C. Irvine, Writer of A Scattering of Jades
“Thanks for the opportunity to be exposed to a new audience.”
Robert A. Metzger, writer of Picoverse
“I was reading some of the other interviews. I feel really honored to join the ranks of the people you’ve got collected there.”
Lyda Morehouse, writer of Archangel Protocol
Shantelle, Commercial and Swimsuit Model
“Thank you for your devotion to art!”
Simply Jeff, DJ and Electronic Producer
“I will be sure to keep and eye on the site in the future.”
Steve Stone, Surreal Artist
"I looked at it and it it a lovely piece...
Thank you very much for feeling what I do."
Reid Speed, DJ and Electronic Producer
"It looks good!"
Jacqueline Carey, Best-Selling author of the Kushiel trilogy
"It looks great!"
Christine Isteed, Artist Partners
“Congratulations on your magazine and awards!”
Beto Hale, Editor of Musico Pro Magazine
“The issue looks great.”
Joe Natoli, Atomic Babies
“The layout is great!”
Greg Chin aka Stryke
“I am very impressed with the interview.”
Amanda Swisten’s Manager
“I consider your magazine a progressive and interesting read.”
John Peter Glover, Painter and Artist, New York City
“Artist Interviews is the sweetest thing in the whole world! A.I. is one of those things that if it isn't worth it there isn't much that is. I read hard copy Rolling Stone every once in a while at the store. Those magazines the neighbors read are not worth a word of Artist Interviews. I'm gonna get caught up and need to shop for some great stuff, and you can be sure my interest will be very much a result of Artist Interviews.”
Brian Bryan, Reader, Sinai
“With greeting and desire of the best sucsess and prosperity
in all of your lifetimes. If possible, please send us
3 different copies of your company`s magazine.”
Ali Karimi, Reader, Iran
“The Kidney Thieves interview was great!”
Adam Renshaw, Reader, Ireland
“Mauricio Saravia has his finger on the pulse of what is hot.”
Valentino Marconi, Reader, New York City
"I'm so impressed with your magazine! This is great stuff!"
Kristin Dinnis, Fashion Designer, Phoenix
“It was a visual feast and being that it is a rainy day. Wonderful interviews of interesting artists.”
Joyce Petrina, Reader, Memphis
“I am very impressed! Just wanted to say awesome job!”
Suzy Starr, Reader, Denver